Nthabi is my African name,. It means: "Make Me Happy". I consider it to either be a statement of how I should be, or demand in that when people call me Nthabiseng, they make a demand of me, to bring happiness. For me, personally, its an infinite reminder that God wants me to be HAPPY. "Oh Lord, he Lord gave me a challenge on that one! " When I visited South Africa in 2003, i never knew I would return with a new name.. How perfect, I thought, for God saw me. He used a 17 yr old girl named Ama, a name for me. She named me a name that helped breathe life into me, again. Ibwas deep in unhappiness at the time trying to make some major decisions about myblife and future. And God sends Ama.Blessed be the Name of the Lord , for showing me how names have power and intrigue and depth.
I was so intrigued by the name, as she sputtered it out. her name, Ama. She was seventeen in 2003. We sat in her living room in Sandton, S. Africa and I was trying on a South African dress. She must have seen something in me. A spark, maybe my dream come true To travel overseas. She saw me ignite. My fire, arise.

These days have no problem in letting that fire arise.
It comes naturally... sometimes as a spark, a flame, or even a rushing fire... but it doesn't burn. Oh no, no burning...
Just purifying.
A cleansing awareness.
So I am thankful for the name, because it catapulted me forward into purpose. makes me realize why I am here on earth. To make others happy, but also "me", happy.
Happiness became a journey for me. A destination. A venture. And I am so very glad this was my story.