That’s not completely true, but there is some truth to this. Women love their gay friends and male relatives, and if you have a girlfriend, you damn well better be ok with her gay pets or relatives. I have not dated many young women now due to my age (58) and the fact that at my age, this is nearly impossible to do. However, in recent years, young women I got involved with heard my opinion on gay men and flipped out. They said, “Look I’m sorry. I don’t date homophobes.” Wow! Can you believe women are like this nowadays. I have to throw a shout out to gay men. They’re done a great job of pushing their movement. They are hitting straight homophobes right where it hurts – in the pussy that they are so addicted to!
A few girlfriends in recent years have threatened to break up with due to what they call my homophobia. Others have gotten mad at me for using the word faggot. A couple told me that if I didn’t stop using that word, it was over with us. Wow! The new century. If you’re a straight guy and you don’t love queers, you’re not getting laid! No wonder all these Left straight guys are improbably jumping up and down for gay men. They’re probably just trying to get laid. Funny, I never thought of that.