Hair & Beauty Magazine

Notd: O.p.i. Big Apple Red Swatches and Review

By Reinesoignee @RSoignee
NOTD: O.P.I. BIG APPLE RED SWATCHES AND REVIEWO.P.I. is always on top of the nailpolish game. I think there was not a single polish from them that I bought I didn't use up. Great colours, smooth salon-like look even though I always do my nails on my own.
NOTD: O.P.I. BIG APPLE RED SWATCHES AND REVIEWBig Apple Red is one of the classic colours you can return to over and over again. Don't miss out on it!
NOTD: O.P.I. BIG APPLE RED SWATCHES AND REVIEWYou can get it at O.P.I. official website, apply it and pretend you are a new yorker. Why not? You've already ailed your nails!
 Лак от O.P.I. Big Apple Red - один из самых красивых оттенков красного на рынке косметики. Наносится гладко и ровно, без полос и разводов. Держится долго и не слезает. Лак на любой случай жизни, как я считаю.

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