Hair & Beauty Magazine

NOTD: Mother's Day Special

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
NOTD: Mother's Day Special
Some of you might have noticed that I didn't do a NOTD on Friday. The lack of post was for other reasons, but the lack of a NOTD, more specifically, was because I was saving it for today, which I hope that everyone has remembered is Mother's Day. Basically, this weeks NOTD features my Mum (noting that she doesn't know that I'm posting this) and her current love for OPI, which, like me she loves because the polishes apply so nicely.
But anyway, here is a look that she wore for a Night Out just before Christmas and that she really loved, and I know that she still does:
NOTD: Mother's Day Special
As you can tell, I don't get my nail biting from my Mum, who has much nicer and longer nails than me (although I'm getting there!!). This look is actually two nail polishes, with the "colour" of the look coming from the very first OPI nail polish that my Mum purchased on the P&O Ferry between Hull and Amsterdam:
NOTD: Mother's Day Special
When the description for Diva from Geneva says that it is a "vibrant" shade, it really isn't kidding, because it's such a gorgeous, creamy dark pink that looks fantastic worn alone, be even better jazzed up with a glittery top coat, especially for special occasions. In this case, the glittery top coat comes in the form of a polish from her OPI Muppets Mini Collection, which I have reviewed previously and that you can read here.
NOTD: Mother's Day Special
I absolutely love this image of OPI's Excuse Moi purely because it beautifully picks up all of the different colours of the glitter: the pinks, the greens, the oranges, the whites, the silvers, the blues. And it looks so pretty and sparkly, and everyone loves sparkles, right?
QUICK MUMMY TIP: One thing that my Mum has said several times, about using a glittery polish, is about how useful they are when you chip the main colour, and don't want to apply another coat. Instead, she likes to just apply Excuse Moi and it "hides" the problem perfectly.
So there you go, that is my Mum's Nail of the Day. Needless to say, I did get her an OPI nail polish for Mother's Day, but I'll share that with you, when she's actually had the opportunity to test it for herself (although, FYI, the color is gorgeous, and I wish I'd bought another bottle for myself!! Not that I pre-tested it or anything ;P)
And on a final note, my cat of 18 years and 10 months Patch has always been one of those cats that likes to know what's going on, and when he caught me taking photos the other day, for the purpose of this post, he of course had to come and join me. And it really is incredible how fast those wobbly, old legs will move when he thinks that he's missing something!! So, here is a little message from our cat Patch:
NOTD: Mother's Day Special
What do you think of my Mum's nails? How are you treating your Mum this Mother's Day :)

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