Creativity Magazine

Not Feeling the Fourth

By Vickilane
Not Feeling the Fourth
I'm finding little to celebrate as the Supreme Court chips away at hard won freedoms and the GOP continues in thrall to a criminal and con-man.

If the 'Originalists' on the court have their way, they will take us back to the USA of the original constitution--where only white property owners have the vote, where Black people are enslaved (by poverty and discrimination,) where women are not valued above a fertilized egg, where the LGBTQ's of any sort are shoved back into the closet, where there's no such thing as climate change or pollution, where the social safety net is left to religious groups, and business, holy business runs the show. As more and more is revealed about the wealthy folks who've befriended and enriched various of the Supremes, I think it's time that, like NASCAR drivers, they wore patches naming their sponsors on those solemn black robes.Nope, no flag waving today. I'm embarrassed by my country. 


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