Culture Magazine

North American Opera . . . A Quiz

By Galegirl

North American opera . . . a quiz

Winspear Opera House, Dallas, Texas

March came in like a lamb today into the US Northeast where  I live. And just as unobstrusively, Operatoonity’s editorial calendar rolled over to a new theme: North American Opera.

In honor of this month’s theme, I thought a little quiz was in order (Bwahahahaha!)

  1. Most people can name the largest opera house in North America. What is the second largest?
  2. What is North America’s oldest continuously operating summer opera company?
  3. Can you name three of the most popular operas produced in North American in 2009-10?
  4. Can you name three of the most popular North American operas presented in 2009-10?
  5. To the closest hundred, how many new operatic works have been produced by professional opera companies in North America since 1990.
  6. Name five Canadian cities currently producing opera.

(Answers revealed tomorrow . . . right here.)

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