Community Magazine

Nobody Likes to Be Pitied …..

By Gran13

smiling face in heartNo matter how bad you feel, don’t ever allow anyone to behave toward you in a superior fashion by showing disrespect. By doing so, instead of gaining that person’s respect, you will lose it and we are all worthy of respect. Yes, every single person on earth. Never – ever – let anyone show disrespect to you. This applies to people with mental illnesses as well as those with other disabilities. We are all human beings with feelings.


We are all unique people with interests, talents and knowledge and those who are different feel exactly like the rest of us. They might do things differently but they can achieve the same results. The way we behave, demonstrates our respect toward those individuals. 

Nobody likes to be pitied, do they?  

Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. Make the rest of your life the best of your life – now. Don’t wait.

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