Politics Magazine

No, Not All Very High IQ People Can Learn Computer Programming

Posted on the 08 June 2016 by Calvinthedog

Tulio writes: Anyone with an IQ 150 at the very least can teach himself computer programming at home and get a job making 6 figures (or at least high 5 figures) within a year. I know programming isn’t everyone’s thing, but there’s high demand for it and it would be easy to learn for someone with an IQ that high.

I have a 147 IQ, and my Mom has a 150 IQ. My siblings have IQ’s in the 140’s. Even with genius IQ’s, none of us could do computer programming to save our lives, and most of us never even tried. I did try to learn programming for a while. I even read a 600 page book on Java. The best I ever got was fixing an ASP script for an employee. I can’t program my way out of a paper bag, and I tried hard to learn this stuff.

None of us can even do math very well. Not all very high or genius IQ people can even do math very well. Most of my family have genius IQ’s, all of us are rather poor at math, and we all struggled badly with higher math in college.

I barely even passed Algebra 2 and Geometry in high school. My sister barely made it through Statistics in college. My brother who wanted to be a physician had his dreams squashed because he could not pass Physics in college after multiple attempts. My other brother absolutely hates math and struggled to get through Algebra 2 in college. My mother and father both struggled to get through Algebra 2 and Geometry in college, and they both hated those courses. All of us hated higher math (Algebra 2 and Geometry).

It is absolutely not true that anyone with an IQ of 150 can learn programming and earn a six figure income.

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