Sports Magazine

NFL Lockout Lock Down

By Mixtapekid45
The NFL Lockout Picture
No one including me is really surprised that this day has come. Yes i am a little late on reporting this but i have  been busy so i apologize. The sides were never even close to begin with, its unfortunate what sports have come to. Athletes these days don't play for the love of the game it seems. they play for the love of money as well as owners only caring about money not their fans at all. 
The biggest losers in this whole bargaining agreement is not the owners or the players but, it is us the fans. Because at the end of the day we fuel the NFL we buy the tickets, we watch the games we buy the merchandise without us their would be nothing. 
Lets say if their is a regular next season which their probably will be. We went on strike we bought nothing at all, from the NFL, to show them that we have power to and you can not treat us like slaves, so we will have  last laugh. Yes i love the NFL and will always but this whole situation has been quite pathetic, just sign a agreement like professionals and lets have the 2011 season.
****Photo Credit to bear gogelson         Related Posts : Labor, LOCKOUT, NFL

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