The day had come. The day to go home. It’s true what they say, all good things must come to an end I guess.
I had agreed with my peers that we should head out, do our own thing, then meet for lunch in a diner before we head back to the hotel to collect out things.

I started my day with a free coffee, so maybe today wasn’t too bad after all. I then made my way back downtown, to visit Wall Street. I think personally I wanted to go there as I find it incredible that it is the first place that people did not live whee they worked, and commuter were born. I also wish to go into business myself one day, so I decided to visit on a personal level, rather than for my course.

After my visit, I made my way back to Times Square to take pictures of all the exterior retail spaces I witnessed a few nights before.

The last picture, made me laugh so much, as many people would stop and start waving at the screen they were being shown on. And then the brand, Aeropostale would turn it off for a few minutes to shine their name to ensure consumers knew who was fueling their fun. But what made me laugh most was an american guy, who got so angry by this who started screaming ‘screw you Aeropostale’ in his american accent. I’m pretty sure it was the accent that made me smile. Not too sure. However, after taking pictures I was in perfect time for my lunch with two friends.

It was a perfect end to a perfect trip in an American diner. I couldnt help but thinking American diners are so culturally iconic to America, that brands could also use them as a source of inspiration. Though, that has been exhausted, so maybe a no go area!
Needless to say, I had the best time in New York, I learnt heaps about fashion, culture and also myself. It was the best way to start 2013. And as I jetted off back to London, I got once last chance to see the whole island lit up in the night time sky from the plane window. Absolutely perfect.