Here is a new radio show with me. Daryl Basarab and I discuss the whole Alpha/Beta/Omega thing. We have some differences of opinion on it, but overall, it’s a great discussion.
Daryl Basarab: I disagree with “Game theory” because different PUA’s use completely different game. Robert Lindsay befriends females and slowly sneaks up on them romantically while Return of Kings advises you to do the opposite. Here’s my take: It’s not as much the motus operandi as the amount of time you devote to it. If you talk to a bunch of women in clubs and bars, eventually you’re going to find women who want to engage in sexual acts. Is it really worth the time investment? I answer that question with no.
In the radio program, I made my point that prostitution if done on street corners is a good value. If you make $40k a year, that’s about $20 bucks an hour. If you spend five hours in a club, you’ve clearly exceeded the $20 bucks on the corner.
Lots of talk about PUA/Game stuff if you are into that, especially something I call Friendzone Game, which is something I came up with. This is basically a Game to run when you are more or less friendzoned by a woman so you can take it out of the Friendzone and into sex/relationship, etc.
We also discuss what Alpha/Beta/Omega, etc. are all about. Basarab thinks they have more to do with Status, Money, Power, etc., but I opt more for Looks and pure Game. So yes, Donald Trump got women via Status, Money, Power and Fake, but he’s also good-looking and I imagine he has some insanely killer Game too.
People who become Alpha simply by running into a lot of money, such as Omegas like Bill Gates becoming Alpha simply by becoming rich and famous are not real pure Alphas in my opinion. Those are what you might call Artificial Alphas. You take all that money away, and that guy is back to being an Omega again.
There are also what I would call “Synthetic Alphas.” These men are not really Alphas, but they can fake it pretty good. They are able to fake it good enough that it pretty much works. The old fake it til you make it thing. I’m not sure if people can tell the difference between a pure Alpha and a good faker.
Now to me, a pure Alpha is not dependent on Money, Status, Power or any of that. He’s the guy who walks into the room and most of the women in the room think, “Oh I want that guy!” That’s the pure Alpha. And the pure Alphas don’t even need money. Many Alphas are poor and never have any money. Many others are criminals. Jails and prisons are full of Alphas. Even in to middle age, many Alphas are living in cheap apartments and driving older cars. Yet these guys still continue to date beautiful women. I would say that an Alpha could even get women if he’s homeless.
I also point out that the Alpha/Beta/Omega thing is only useful for sex and romance between males and females and it has little other utility outside of that. I suppose even male society breaks down into Alphas, Beta, Omegas, etc. but it’s not as rigid or even as brutal and the terms that females place on us. I have not thought much about Alpha/Beta/Omega stuff with men, but I suppose there’s a possible useful theory out there.
I’m just not interested in hierarchy among men. I suppose I am sort of a Sigma in that regard. My attitude towards my male competition is generally, “LOL. What competition? You see any competition? I don’t.” To me there’s no such thing as male competition. I’m not sure if I actually think I am better than other men so much that I think I’m hot stuff and the other guys are simply not even in the picture. Some highly accomplished males might be on my level, but in that case, we are comrades or wingmen and not competitors. I like life better that way. I don’t want to get into the whole male hierarchy thing of bettering and one-upping other men. It seems like it just makes you always frustrated, never satisfied and it probably gives you a heart attack in the end.
I don’t want to fight other guys anyway. I would rather have females fight over me. I have always said:
Betas fight over women. Alphas have females fighting over them. Betas spend money to buy women’s affection. Alphas have females trying to buy their affection. Betas buy women gifts. Alphas get gifts from women. Betas support women. Alphas get supported by women.
Now we tend to think men like this are assholes, and they are in some ways, but that’s Alpha for you. Alphas are not very nice. It’s no accident that penitentiaries are full of them. I would say that if females are fighting over you, you’re Alpha. If females are buying you gifts all the time, you’re Alpha. If you are living off women instead of the other way around, you’re Alpha. As you can see, Alphas turn normal male Game dynamic on its head.
Male society is dominated by males competing for women among other things. It’s all about men fighting each other for women, trying to buy women, supporting women, etc. The guy fights off the other guys gets the woman. The guy who buys the most gifts gets the women. The guy who supports women the best gets the women. Alphas have completely dropped out of normal male society and have turned the whole thing upside down on its head. They invert reality. It’s actually quite amazing.
I also point out that Alphas need Looks and Game usually. Looks -Game is nearly worthless. I have known guys who were the best looking men in town who went 10-20 years without even one date. Game -Looks is just about worthless too. An attractive man can have the greatest Game on Earth and it won’t do him the slightest lick of good.
Basarab felt that there was nothing much to Game and if you just put yourself out there enough, you would get women. He felt that men only had good Game in that they put in a tremendous amount of effort into getting women. Beyond that, he conceded that men with good Game probably had good social skills.
I argue that there is way more to Game than that, and I feel that Game is so deep and complex that you could nearly write an encyclopedia about it. Men with good Game do a lot more than put in the time, and anyway, incel forums are full of men putting in a lot of effort trying to get women forever who have had no luck at all. And there’s way more to it than just good social skills. I know lots of men with good social skills who don’t have much Game at all. Their Game is pretty much zero.
The PUA sites are correct to see Game as a science to be studied like any other science. I have always said that women are chess. It has never been easy for me to get women and I am apparently pretty good at it. But even back when I was very good at it, it still was not easy.
Women simply don’t put out the way that men want them to. Heterosexual dating scene is not the gay male dating science. There is no guarantee of getting laid even if you go to a bar or nightclub.
If it was that easy to get hot women, why is there a whore market? There’s a whore market because women deliberately create a sex shortage and ration out sex very carefully generally in return for love or some sort of provisioning. The whore market exists because of the economic conditions created by artificial scarcity that women have deliberately created to in essence drive up the price of pussy as high as possible.
The near-hysterical women’s rantings about “pedophilia” for men who in perfectly natural and normal fashion pursue jailbait teenage girl is also economically related -it’s related to the pussy market. Simply put, women fear the competition of jailbait teenage girls. If teenage girls were more available, more men would flock to them, and in a number of cases, JB’s would out-compete women for men. Flooding the pussy market with jailbaits serves to create an abundance of cheap pussy (as teenage girls hardly cost a nickel) and serves to in effect drive down the price of pussy that the women wish to keep as high as possible.
So, yes, women are chess.
All relationships with women must be Gamed. Even your wife or girlfriend must be Gamed constantly. The only way to keep the relationship going smoothly at all is to run continuous Game on even your wife or live-in girlfriend. It is true that once you get close to a woman, you can relax your Game somewhat, but you still need to be cautious. Women are very sensitive creatures and they get hurt and upset very easily. I have blown up whole relationships with a single sentence.
When I am with a woman, I am typically quite calculating, at least until I get very close to her. I carefully think about most things that I say or no. I am not spontaneous at all because to me spontaneity ruins relationships because you say and do stupid things without thinking.
Seduction is a performance. It is a performance art. Not all men are good actors or even actors at all. Some few men are born actors, but the finest actors of all, the stars of the silver screen, are few and far between. As it is in celluloid, so it is with Game. Men with superlative Game are more common than great actors, but they are still not common. It’s a fine art and skill to be honed over a lifetime, and most men never get very good at it. Those few who do should be studied as one studies the greats in Acting School.