Other Sports Magazine

New MTBO Rules for 2012

By Stodge @stodgeblog

New MTBO rules for 2012The IOF have just publishes new rules for MTBO that take effect from 1st jan 2012 for all IOF events.



The main one from the competitors point of view is that waterproof paper should now be used  which I’m sure we will all appreciate. Perhaps all UK MTBO events should follow suit as the costs are negligible.

I also think the revised definition of MTBO is also quite good

'Mountain Bike Orienteering is a sport in which the competitors, using cycles,
navigate independently through the terrain. Competitors must visit a number of
control points marked on the ground in the shortest possible time aided only by
map and compass. The course, defined by the location of the controls, is not
revealed to competitors until they start. Mountain biking and navigational skills
shall be tested in such a way that navigational skill is the decisive element. The
course shall be completed by the cyclist riding, carrying or pushing his/ her
mountain bike. Riding off the track or trail will normally be disallowed unless
specifically agreed by the organiser and the IOF Event Adviser'

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