Environment Magazine

New Compilation of ‘Super Happy Anarcho-Fun Pages’ Lives Up to Title

Posted on the 29 July 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

SHAFB cover

Pages are filled with fun, anarchy, happiness, and super

by Niko / Earth First! Newswire

A ‘light-hearted parody of anarchist culture,’ the Super-Happy Anarcho Fun Pages comic series lampoons everything from liberals to oogles, and takes fearless shots at collective process, traveler kids, freegans, robots, aliens, and more. A work of Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness, the new compilation includes all sixteen issues of the S.H.A.F.P., along with the special Rolling Dumpster comic, and Doomsday Mountain Earth First!, originally published in the Earth First! Journal.

the other guy

As the comic declares in issue #4: “If we can’t laugh at ourselves we are doomed.” These comics are both hilarious and insightful, so if you are interested in learning about pro-science primitivism, neoliberal globalization reenacted with space aliens, intellectual property laws, or the anthropology of hipsters, check this comic out!

You can buy the book here, or find the comics in .pdf format for free here. Below are some more of our favorite strips from the book. Enjoy!

stole it from the library
cheese it
jaded individualist

cut that down

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