Creativity Magazine

New Calfies!!!

By Vickilane
New Calfies!!!
 Last week brought us two new calves one day, a third the next, and, sadly, a still born on the next. It was a breech (hind feet first) presentation and things went wrong--a sad lesson for Josie about farm life.

But she dealt with it and is delighted with the three new heifers whom she has named Goldie, Luna, and Silky.

I could only get a picture of one as the others were out of range.

 But I did get a picture of this hardy little rose still blooming in our dooryard. It was a gift back in '76 or '77 from the lady whose farm this was. She propagated it by cutting a slip from her rose, sticking it in the ground and covering it with a glass jar.  And it's still going strong. 


New Calfies!!!

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