Chicken on the BBQ!
One of my resolutions for the 2014 was to try and get to more Beoir and the Dublin Craft Beer Ladies Society events. I've been failing miserably. It's not just that I'm fond of beer it's that I love the community that's been built around it.

Colin Hession talks about the beer
The launch was a great success, all the elements in the universe collided to make the afternoon special. The weather stayed dry and bright, the food was fantastic, the beer was stunning (more on that later) and the easy conversation between brewers, drinkers and thinkers was flowing.
And on to the beer. I'm not going to pretend to know about ingredients or brewing techniques, I'll leave that kind of talk to the experts. If you'd like to know more have a read of the Tale of Ale's recent description. All I'm really qualified to say is that I like both beers!

Vlad the Baker, named after one of the bakers at the nearby Arun Bakery
Firstly Vlad the Baker. It's an India Pale Lager with an ABV of 4.8% (don't be impressed, I kept my tasting notes) here Brown Paper Bag have revived an old Czech method of brewing. I found it quite easy to drink, there was no overpowering hop flavor but something more subdued, to my untrained palate I thought it had slightly floral hints, perhaps rosewater?

I think I was predestined to like Shmoake, my taste in whiskey tends more towards the smokier scale of things so it stands to reason that beer would be the same! This is an oak smoked wheat ale with an ABV of 4.7%. Initally I was overcome by the smoky and bacon flavours but after a while these aspects took a backseat and a more subtle flavor came through. Very nice altogether and if you plan on BBQing at all this summer I'd definitely recommend investing in some Schmoke, it goes perfectly with food off the grill. Incidently both beers are available from Dean McGuinness at Premier International Beers.

Super corn on the cob

Roast loin of boar on an Arun bap.

Succulent chicken.
And the food... oh my, the food. Obviously you're never going to be let down by the food in Mulligan's but this afternoon they surpassed themselves. We started with corn on the cob which I could see was being brushed with some sort of concoction, perhaps garlic and chilli? That was followed by wild boar loin in a fabulous tangy BBQ sauce all served in an Arun bap. Finally, and much to M's delight, there were chicken drumsticks drowned in marinade and crunched up nicely on BBQ!

Beer lovers waiting patiently for food!
Such a lovely afternoon. As we walked down Stonybatter I promised myself once again that I have to improve my beer education. I really promise this time I will...