So… I am feeling major emotions, today - after the aftermath, here in Oklahoma…
I had to travel out of town today, after the wake of the Moore, Okla. And with every cloudy and dark, ominous cloud, I wondered and worried… Would it happen again, today? Funny how after such a large F-5 tornado, a cloud just doesn’t look like a cloud, huh? It brings a different kind of reservation, fear and hesitation. You also feel a bit more uncertain on the road, and more vulnerable. Twice on this land of Oklahoma, this week, we have had two storms hit our area and people have died.
Until you are out there, and riding down the streets in the rural areas, and feel as if there is nowhere to go, and you have to pray all the way until you get where you are going, you don;.’t realize how vulnerable you REALLY are…
These are times where we have to truly trust God. I am not sure I can do what they tell me to remain safe… Really? get out a car, and hide in a ditch when I see a tornado coming at me?? OMG, Are you serious?!! Hopefully, I will never , ever have to make that decision.
After hearing about Moore elementary school students dying in school, a place where safety should reign… it really bothered me that our governments don’t invest more in schools. I am angry.
Is it because I am about to be a parent? Perhaps. Or, maybe it’s just because I am upset that children had to lose their lives because schools are too poor to keep them safe. That shouldn’t be, you all. When a parent sends their child off to school, they want to believe they are the safest they have ever been. And that they will see them again that evening.
I was heard one gentleman on the TV say after the storm passed and he came out of his storm shelter, he said: “ The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away…” ( blessed be the name of the Lord.)
Yes, the Lord, giveth, and yes, the Lord taketh away… but, I am still angry.
My anger doesn’t question God, my anger questions why we don’t place more value in the lives of people who matter.
So yes, lives lost, and this being so close to home, I commend the hearts that were brave and commanded brave feats here, in Okla. There are definitely some brave people, here. I am proud to be around them.
Yet sad to be sharing such a tragedy.
This picture was taken after the Moore Okla. tragedy… Amazing how the skies can be so beautiful, despite the devastation. Selah. ( Pause and calmly think of that.)
As if God is saying.. I got this.. I am still on the Throne…