Politics Magazine

Netflix, Amazon, Facebook and Google Just Endorsed the TPP

Posted on the 12 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

I just got this in my email. I have not written much or anything about this insane and horrifically evil trade deal because I hardly even know where to begin. You all need to study up on this crazy trade bill along with all of the others which are just as bad.

The italicized portions in the quoted text below portion below will give you a brief understanding of why this deal is so horrific. Once you learn the details of this nutty deal, you wonder how any decent person could support it. Think you think again and you realize that it is just evil enough for any Republican to support, since it is one of the worst corporate giveaways ever negotiated. But then Republicans are not decent people,so this figures. Then you hear that most of the Democratic Party is supporting it, and you are stunned. How could Barack Obama and fake liberal Killary Clinton (net worth: $20 million) support this deal?

I also know some Democratic Party liberals who support this deal. They characterized anyone who opposed the deal as “blue-collar workers, members of unions and leftwing nuts.” Via the tone in their voices, it was clear that they had a low opinion of all three groups.

I have known this for some time now. A lot of liberal Democrats really dislike working class people, especially working class Whites. These people are college-educated and consider themselves to be white collar workers in social outlook. Most people who think like this look down on working class people. They very much dislike labor unions too because they dislike those guys in overalls with lunch pails so much. These types very much dislike the left wing of the Democratic Party, which is the base of the party.

They used to say that the Republican Party fears its base, but the Democrats hate their base. There is a lot of evidence that this is true. Ever since the DNC takeover of the party by corporate rightwing Democrats posing as moderate centrists (hello Shillary Clinton), the DNC crowd has actively despised the base, who they blame for losing elections.

Rahm Emmanuel, classic DNC insider and fake liberal (net worth $13 million, former soldier in the Israeli “Defense” Forces), talking to Obama during his first term, contemptuously referred to the party base as “those fucking hippies” and “the professional Left.” Party candidates typically suck up to the base during primaries to win and then in the general move to the right towards the republican contender, and when they get in office, completely ignore the base or even contemptuously dismiss them as they chase the Republican Party to the right as it runs off the cliff into Genghis Khan territory.

However, now with the Trump phenomenon, it looks like the Republican Party also hates its base. And the Sanders phenomenon means that the base of the Democratic Party is stronger than it has been in years.

Both the Sanders and Trump phenomena are attempts by the bases of the two parties to overthrow their party infrastructures which they feel has gone elitist and corrupt and only supports the rich and the upper middle class instead of the average common man. So these are twin insurgencies to overthrow the RNC and the DNC respectively. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the DNC and Hitlery Clinton’s best friend, is probably one of the most hated people in the Democratic Party now. Her name is literally mud in places like Daily Kos.

If you want to see how the party base feels, check out the website Daily Kos. Daily Kos is the essence of the left wing of the Democratic Party and many of the people posting there are party workers and volunteers. Let’s put it this way: the real base of the Democratic Party is pretty darn leftwing! They are not particularly SJW’s, although there are some elements like that.

They mostly focus on economics and hating Republicans and do not talk much about the sort of feminism, antiracism, Gay Lobby, Tranny Lobby and sexual depravity stuff that your typical SJW talks about. Yes, Kos types discuss race, gender and sexual orientation and identity stuff but generally not in the insane way that an SJW way talks about them. Instead they talk about these things in a more moderate way.

SJW’s are generally to the left of the base of the Democratic Party. These people are real Leftists, and they are so far left that they often don’t even vote anymore, or if they do vote, they don’t even vote for Democrats anymore. The whole SJW thing came out of the universities, and that is where it resides to this very day. To some extent, it has spread outside of there into society at large, but most people have not picked up on SJW nuttiness. In many cases it tends to be an Internet phenomenon. I never hear ordinary people talking like SJW nutcases. There is less of this BS around than you think.

The unprecedented corporate power grab known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal could be headed for a possible vote in Congress later this year. But thanks to the work of thousands of activists, whether it has enough support to pass is still an open question.

Unfortunately, the TPP just got a major boost from some of the largest and most well-known internet companies. A trade association representing companies including Google, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo just announced their full support of the TPP.1,2

This is outrageous. The TPP is antithetical to the interests of internet users. Furthermore, many of these companies pride themselves on putting the rights and interests of their users first and claim that principles such as free speech and privacy are at the core of their mission. TPP directly undermines those values in favor of corporate profit.

Google, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo don’t have to go along with the Internet Association’s disastrously poor decision to endorse the TPP. One of its members, Reddit, has just come out and disavowed the endorsement.3

The TPP was written and negotiated in absolute secrecy, and it’s easy to see why. It would eviscerate broad swaths of regulations that protect consumers, workers, the environment, and the soundness of our financial system. And it would set up a global system where corporate profits trump the policy priorities of sovereign governments.

Passage of the TPP could mean more American jobs offshored, developing countries losing access to lifesaving medications, and unsafe foods and products pouring into our country. The deal includes countries that are notorious for human rights violations without once mentioning “human rights” in its 5,600 pages.

The deal could also mean the end of internet freedom as we know it. It would expand corporate copyright enforcement at the expense of privacy and free speech. It would criminalize tinkering and modifying products under fair use purposes. And it would allow corporations to avoid the legal and democratic process by using secretive international tribunals to attack internet users’ rights – the same tribunals that could be used to undermine environmental and consumer protections.

The members of the Internet Association have no obligation to support this wrongheaded endorsement of the TPP. And, fortunately, many of these companies would be extremely sensitive to a backlash from their own users. After all, companies like Facebook and Twitter wouldn’t have a product if it weren’t for their users’ ability to freely express themselves and create content on a daily basis.

  1. Internet Association Member List.
  2. “Statement in Support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” Internet Association, March 30, 2016.
  3. “Reddit Statement on Twitter Disavowing TPP endorsement,” Reddit, March 30, 2016.
  4. “Panama Papers: Leaks Spur Global Investigations,” BBC, April 4, 2016.

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