Who doesn't love a clear skin. It's in everybody's dream that we have a clear, acne free, anti-inflammatory, clean and oil free skin. Acne, burns, scars, dry skin, oily skin, patches,... And the list goes on when it comes to skin care. Most of us are tired of taking years of prescriptions, and slapping our faces with lotions and creams saying it will put an end to our acne issues someday. From the days when many of us celebrated our puberty to our middle age or more as they say, acne and their scars and hyperpigmentation have followed us throughout our journey. Although by our twenties we accepted the fact that flaws could be made beautiful too.. somewhere in the back of our mind each and every person still wishes for clean and clear skin with their dream complexion.

Ayurvedic overview
As per the Ayurvedic classics the underlying reason is attributed to your Tridoshic predominance and body type. The people with Kapha Pitta dominance are prone to Acne and Pimples. Kapha disha is known for its unctuousness and moisture maintenance within the body. When compared to the body type, people with Kapha dominant body type will have more oil content in their body. Oil content is produced by the Increased production and secretion of sebum and leads to the formation of whiteheads and blackheads, and a variety of other pimples on the skin. As much as it is irritating when they pop up when you wake up and look in the mirror one morning, it is also a responsive reflex for the body to expel the toxins which are accumulated on the skin surface. Maybe dead skin cells or inactive white blood cells or dirt. So it is important to take care of it by balancing the level of Kapha dosha in the body.
The vitiated Pitta dosha is the causative factor for the formation of red bumps on the skin. Pitta dosha is vested with the maintenance of normal inflammatory levels within the body. Their disruption is responsible for those red bumps or red patches or in worst cases easy burns you get from sun and those inappreciable tans as well. The pimples from Pitta aggravation could be painful when accompanied by a slight Vata dosha vitiation, enough to drive you crazy.
So now that we probably would have tried all the modern formulations to get rid of the problematic adult Acne issues, let's see what natural sciences have to offer. In this era when everybody wants to live a nature-friendly life, Skin health can also be best maintained and taken care of through natural remedies. The best way to gain a naturally healthy skin is by trying it the natural way. The herbal medications have been proven very effective in this case.
Planet Ayurveda's Natural Skin care pack is a combination of six natural products known to help with the natural levels of Tridosha (three body energies) responsible for various health aspects of the body. The vegetarian formulations are free from chemicals and preservatives, as well as from substances like starch, additives, and colors. These are made 100% natural and pure, free from yeast, binders, fillers and other synthetics.
- Neem Capsule
- Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Manjishtha Capsules
- Nirgundi Oil
- Evening Prime Rose Premium Handmade Bathing Bar

Product Description
1. Neem Capsule
Neem capsules are single herbal formulations prepared using standardized extract of Neem ( Azadirachta indica ) which contain active principles which are proven to be effective for healthy skin. The extracts of the herb helps to purify the blood and clears out the toxins from it resulting in pure endotoxin-free circulation of Rakta dhatu. It fights against the agents causing skin infections and prevents the proliferation of distinct parts of the body.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
2. Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula
The pure herbal formulations out of the herbs like Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha), Fumaria officinalis (Pit papada), Swertia chirata (Chirayata), and Aloe barbadensis (Ghrit kumari) helps with the maintenance of a healthy skin and works in a synchronised manner to fight with the problems of skin, hair and nails together. The Asthi dhatu which is responsible for the health of nails,and hair are nourished and inflammatory levels by Pitta dosha are also kept within the optimal levels by the capsules.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
3. Gandhak Rasayan
Dry skin is an issue with a lot of people out there and the Purified sulphur (shuddh gandhak) inside the Gandhak Rasayan helps in the absorption of moisture content in the surroundings into the skin.'Rasayana' means invigorating the body and helping with healthy living. And the Gandhak Rasayan capsules of Planet Ayurveda helps with the maintenance of a robust skin.
Dosage- 2 tab twice daily with plain water after meals
4. Manjishtha Capsules
The assimilated extracts of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) used in the capsules are highly effective for the health and nourishment of skin as it balances the Pitta dosha and clears the skin off of the sensations like itching, burning and similar irritable conditions externally by purifying the skin internally. It acts as a blood purifier by removing the Ama dosha within the Rasa-Rakta Dhatus and provides healthy circulation of body fluids free of endotoxins. Rubia cordifolia is included in the lists of rejuvenating herbs as per the Ayurvedic classics. It is stated to be helpful for those suffering from Skin disorders and inflammatory conditions, Fever, Jaundice, and burning sensations of skin and GIT etc.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
5. Nirgundi Oil
Inflammatory levels of skin are to be maintained at normal degrees as the disrupted inflammatory levels of the skin leads to flaking, itching, or dermatitis and similar conditions. The Vitex negundo (Nirgundi) which is included as the main ingredient of Nirgundi oil contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which helps with maintaining normal Pitta levels and balances inflammatory levels of the skin within the standard extent. It is helpful to relieve the conditions like swelling, pain and redness found in the isolated areas of skin causing discomfort and could be applied directly on the affected area of the skin locally.
Dosage - Apply it locally over the affected area.
6. Evening Prime Rose Premium Handmade Bathing Bar
The moisture content of the skin is something we shouldn't be compromising on as the health of the skin and the nourishment all the external cosmetic assistants could provide depends upon it. Optimal moisture levels of the skin inturn helps with the perfect absorbability of skin and balances the nutrient supply into the skin cells. Rise which is the main ingredient of the natural paraben free handmade bathing bar helps serve the same purpose.
Dosage - Wet skin with warm water, gently apply the soap over the facial skin as well as the whole body and then wash with water. This can be used every day for at least one to two times or can be repeated when required.
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - [email protected] or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website - www.PlanetAyurveda.com
Let's no more keep it as a dream.! Now that you have the best option for a natural skin care routine, you will never know the results it might bring to you unless you give it a try. So wait no more.
DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD - AYURVEDA is an expert ayurvedic doctor based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda - Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Write at - [email protected], Contact at - +91-172-521-4030 Websites - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com
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Who doesn't love a clear skin. It's in everybody's dream that we have a clear, acne free, anti-inflammatory, clean and oil free skin. Acne, burns, scars, dry skin, oily skin, patches,... And the list goes on when it comes to skin care. Most of us are tired of taking years of prescriptions, and slapping our faces with lotions and creams saying it will put an end to our acne issues someday. From the days when many of us celebrated our puberty to our middle age or more as they say, acne and their scars and hyperpigmentation have followed us throughout our journey. Although by our twenties we accepted the fact that flaws could be made beautiful too.. somewhere in the back of our mind each and every person still wishes for clean and clear skin with their dream complexion.

Ayurvedic overview
As per the Ayurvedic classics the underlying reason is attributed to your Tridoshic predominance and body type. The people with Kapha Pitta dominance are prone to Acne and Pimples. Kapha disha is known for its unctuousness and moisture maintenance within the body. When compared to the body type, people with Kapha dominant body type will have more oil content in their body. Oil content is produced by the Increased production and secretion of sebum and leads to the formation of whiteheads and blackheads, and a variety of other pimples on the skin. As much as it is irritating when they pop up when you wake up and look in the mirror one morning, it is also a responsive reflex for the body to expel the toxins which are accumulated on the skin surface. Maybe dead skin cells or inactive white blood cells or dirt. So it is important to take care of it by balancing the level of Kapha dosha in the body.
The vitiated Pitta dosha is the causative factor for the formation of red bumps on the skin. Pitta dosha is vested with the maintenance of normal inflammatory levels within the body. Their disruption is responsible for those red bumps or red patches or in worst cases easy burns you get from sun and those inappreciable tans as well. The pimples from Pitta aggravation could be painful when accompanied by a slight Vata dosha vitiation, enough to drive you crazy.
So now that we probably would have tried all the modern formulations to get rid of the problematic adult Acne issues, let's see what natural sciences have to offer. In this era when everybody wants to live a nature-friendly life, Skin health can also be best maintained and taken care of through natural remedies. The best way to gain a naturally healthy skin is by trying it the natural way. The herbal medications have been proven very effective in this case.
Planet Ayurveda's Natural Skin care pack is a combination of six natural products known to help with the natural levels of Tridosha (three body energies) responsible for various health aspects of the body. The vegetarian formulations are free from chemicals and preservatives, as well as from substances like starch, additives, and colors. These are made 100% natural and pure, free from yeast, binders, fillers and other synthetics.
- Neem Capsule
- Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Manjishtha Capsules
- Nirgundi Oil
- Evening Prime Rose Premium Handmade Bathing Bar

Product Description
1. Neem Capsule
Neem capsules are single herbal formulations prepared using standardized extract of Neem ( Azadirachta indica ) which contain active principles which are proven to be effective for healthy skin. The extracts of the herb helps to purify the blood and clears out the toxins from it resulting in pure endotoxin-free circulation of Rakta dhatu. It fights against the agents causing skin infections and prevents the proliferation of distinct parts of the body.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
2. Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula
The pure herbal formulations out of the herbs like Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha), Fumaria officinalis (Pit papada), Swertia chirata (Chirayata), and Aloe barbadensis (Ghrit kumari) helps with the maintenance of a healthy skin and works in a synchronised manner to fight with the problems of skin, hair and nails together. The Asthi dhatu which is responsible for the health of nails,and hair are nourished and inflammatory levels by Pitta dosha are also kept within the optimal levels by the capsules.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
3. Gandhak Rasayan
Dry skin is an issue with a lot of people out there and the Purified sulphur (shuddh gandhak) inside the Gandhak Rasayan helps in the absorption of moisture content in the surroundings into the skin.'Rasayana' means invigorating the body and helping with healthy living. And the Gandhak Rasayan capsules of Planet Ayurveda helps with the maintenance of a robust skin.
Dosage- 2 tab twice daily with plain water after meals
4. Manjishtha Capsules
The assimilated extracts of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) used in the capsules are highly effective for the health and nourishment of skin as it balances the Pitta dosha and clears the skin off of the sensations like itching, burning and similar irritable conditions externally by purifying the skin internally. It acts as a blood purifier by removing the Ama dosha within the Rasa-Rakta Dhatus and provides healthy circulation of body fluids free of endotoxins. Rubia cordifolia is included in the lists of rejuvenating herbs as per the Ayurvedic classics. It is stated to be helpful for those suffering from Skin disorders and inflammatory conditions, Fever, Jaundice, and burning sensations of skin and GIT etc.
Dosage- 2 cap twice daily with plain water after meals
5. Nirgundi Oil
Inflammatory levels of skin are to be maintained at normal degrees as the disrupted inflammatory levels of the skin leads to flaking, itching, or dermatitis and similar conditions. The Vitex negundo (Nirgundi) which is included as the main ingredient of Nirgundi oil contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which helps with maintaining normal Pitta levels and balances inflammatory levels of the skin within the standard extent. It is helpful to relieve the conditions like swelling, pain and redness found in the isolated areas of skin causing discomfort and could be applied directly on the affected area of the skin locally.
Dosage - Apply it locally over the affected area.
6. Evening Prime Rose Premium Handmade Bathing Bar
The moisture content of the skin is something we shouldn't be compromising on as the health of the skin and the nourishment all the external cosmetic assistants could provide depends upon it. Optimal moisture levels of the skin inturn helps with the perfect absorbability of skin and balances the nutrient supply into the skin cells. Rise which is the main ingredient of the natural paraben free handmade bathing bar helps serve the same purpose.
Dosage - Wet skin with warm water, gently apply the soap over the facial skin as well as the whole body and then wash with water. This can be used every day for at least one to two times or can be repeated when required.
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - [email protected] or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website - www.PlanetAyurveda.com
Let's no more keep it as a dream.! Now that you have the best option for a natural skin care routine, you will never know the results it might bring to you unless you give it a try. So wait no more.