Fitness Magazine

National Run at Work Day

By Disneybrideandgroom
I just found out about National Run at Work Day this week.  Not to be confused with National Running Day, which takes place in June.

I love this concept.  It brings awareness of our hobby/sport/self-imposed torture (take your pick) to your friends and co-workers.

We love to share our passion for running.  And it can be overwhelming at times to those that don't run to hear us ramble about negative splits, performance fabric, minimal vs. cushioned shoes, and so on.  So I've gotten more low-key about it... most of the time.  

But not today. 

Today is the day to shout from the roof-tops at your office:

It's awesome! 
Throw on a pair of shoes and join me!
Brooks Running has some great ideas to get your celebration on. Check out their list here: 5 ways to celebrate Run at Work Day

And because as runners we love accolades and awards.  There is this lovely virtual finisher ribbon, courtesy of US Road Sports.  Yes, just in case you have any remaining friends on Facebook that DON'T know you run - you can share this beauty here and proclaim that you are in fact, a runner. And you ran at work today.

National Run at Work Day

So go on, get out and there and evangelize away!

I always run after work, but I did shut the door to my office, remove my high heels and jog in place between phone calls.  It counts! And I will be displaying my ribbon proudly on Facebook and tweeting that I #runatwork

Until next time, Happy Trails!


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