Which do you like better? My old, nasty riding shoes, or my new, colorful, obnoxious ones? I am just happy I found shoes that accommodate my huge middle fingerish toe.
I love, love these new shoes (thanks Sharpie).
Can someone send me money for a pedicure STAT?
Maybe I will wear both shoes on my ride tomorrow and take a survey around Boulder County.
Speaking of my ride tomorrow – it will be a little slice of hell. I love to be way more dramatic than I need to be. I’m actually kind of looking forward to it.
Coach has me riding from home about 13 miles to the base of a killer hill (well, mountain – it’s Old Stage for you locals). I have to then ride up and down it three times then head for home. Right off the bike is a 40 minute run.
The ultra good news is that today I saw PT Guru and he cleared me and my back to get on track again with Ironman Florida training. Last week I only did about 7 to 8 hours of training. This week, if all goes well, it will be about double that. While seeing the PT today I realized he has treated all kinds of pros, my favorite being Chrissie Wellington – many time world Ironman champ. I wonder if we laid on the same table.
She wrote him a note on this photo, which I’m sure you can’t read, but it was personal and nice.
Let me tell you why I love this woman. She is one of the most inspiring athletes out there, IMHAO (In My Humble Ass Opinion). She is a four time Ironman World Champion (2007-2009, 2011). Not much of an athlete in her early years, she ran her first marathon in 2002 (3:08!!), and did her first triathlon in 2004. How the hell only two years later she became a world champ is mind boggling. All that said, she just seems so damn down to earth (I still haven’t read A Life Without Limits, really need to).
I just so happen to have a picture of Chrissie on my wall in my office from when she made history and ran a 8:18:13 Ironman. With that picture are some incredibly inspiring and motivating words for each and every one of us who has the guts to dream, the will to try, and the balls to make it to the start line.
Sorry for the poor quality, but this is the actual page from my desk. I love all the “What ifs…”, but my favorites are:
- What if you erase doubt, embrace pain and smile from your heart?
- What if your determination becomes bigger than your fears?
Who inspires you to do better and to be better? Jesus? Oprah? Your dog? Who?
Do your feet look as bad as mine?