Hair & Beauty Magazine

Nal Paint of The Week | Local Nail Paint PRIKS in Blue

By Shoppingaholic @shoppingaholicc
 First of all, this is a very old post from my old and dead blog. I tried hard so it s alive and exciting but I don't think I am able to manage multiple blogs at a time. So I thought, I'd try to retain as many posts as I can from the old one and move them to my new blog which is - yeah you are write - Shopping, Style and Us. 
(I am talking about the time when yellow nail paints had just hit the trend) So, I enter my known shops and I pick whatever I like. I have visited Lifestyles and Shoppers Stop so many times but I didn't notice golden nail paint that I was looking for. I am still looking for the one at these stores... as I'm still in search of the golden I want. [it was written back in 2010 or so. We are now full of colorful options in nail paints]
Anyways, here is PRIKS

PRIKS Blue Nail Paint

PRIKS Blue Nail Paint

PRIKS Blue Nail Paint

PRIKS Blue Nail Paint

It's almsot similar to Color Bar Blue Lagoon, and to check that out visit Anamika's blog post colorbar-blue-lagoon-nail-paint. I think that PRIKS is a bit darker but of the same family.  


Approx. Rs.50

- Do you buy local nail paints?

- What's the name?

Nal Paint of The Week  | Local Nail Paint PRIKS in Blue
  ===================================================== Disclaimer: The product was bought by Shopping, Style and Us for review. To know more, please read my Disclosure Policy.

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