Dotting is really suitable for anyone - regardless of skill level. Even the simplest and most easily replicated design can be extremely fun and eye-catching. Most of all, there is plenty of room for creativity! Don't believe me? Just take a look at all the entries for the competition! I am sooo going to try some of the designs myself soon!
Anyway, this is my next dotting design:
This design was based on this picture that I found while googling... you've guessed it: "dots"! How creative can I possibly get?! ;p
I didn't follow the google picture to the T but I was going for the color scheme and overlapping dots design. The dots look so cute and cozy together! Our dear Jayo said they look like molecules!
cute molecules!
I think it comes as no surprise that we took chemistry in our pre-u. Lol!
Polishes used:
Nails Inc - Black Taxi (black)
Clatty - #92 (white)
As usual, the gray was mixed using the black and white. Wellll... I guess my stash is really small *shrugs*
And just because I think this looks cute:
So... which do you prefer: this or the bokeh dots?
Hmm.. now I'm still a little unsure which I should submit for Sarah's contest. lol!! Let me know what you think! :D