Politics Magazine

My Unadulterated Thoughts on Intelligence Variance Among the Races

Posted on the 26 January 2018 by Calvinthedog

Someone recently asked me my unadulterated views on intelligence variance among the races. Incidentally, he was a Black man. Generally, I take the 5th on that question and simply say that there are intelligence differences among the races, that is, yes, Whites are smarter than Blacks, NE Asians and Jews are smarter than White Gentiles, etc.,  all on average, mind you, but IQ tests prove this very well, and IQ tests absolutely measure intelligence better than any other device we have. Usually just saying that it’s a proven fact that on average Whites are smarter than Blacks is enough to consign me to the Societal Doghouse for eternity,  so I don’t bother piling it on. I say yes, Whites are smarter than Blacks, but we don’t know what causes this, if it is genes or environment or both or something in the air. In public statements I say I am agnostic on the causes.

The truth is that I am lying. I simply do not want to come out and say that there are genetic differences in intelligence between the races because my name is mud enough as it is and there’s no reason to keep digging once your enemies have thrown you in a hole that goes halfway to China already.

But now I will come out and confess that I do believe that there are genetic differences in IQ between the races. I expect that I will now be vastly more ostracized than I am already after I say this.

I do believe there are cognitive differences between the races that are genetic. However, I add one proviso to that. Usually when people that there are behavioral or cognitive differences between the races, what usually follows is a Doomsday statement along the lines of “No hope for Blacks.” They say that Blacks will be less intelligent and highly criminal forever since it’s genetic and genes are destiny.

The thing is I don’t believe in that. I believe that genes tend to be destiny in a macro but not micro sense, that is among groups but not among individuals and subject to much variation.

But I also believe that environments can modify genetic tendency. A typical environment will result in a typical behavior and cognitive outcome for the group. A bad environment, which we seem to specialize in as humans, will result a catastrophic outcome for the group with behavioral and cognitive outcomes expressed at an extreme level. A good environment will result in the behavioral and  cognitive outcome being relatively better for the group.

And an extremely good environment or a Super-environment as I call it may result in an outcome for the group that completely washes out the behavioral or cognitive profile for the group allows them to match better performing groups. I am reminded of a Black tribe in Burkina Faso of one million members. They have a homicide rate as low as the Japanese, 1/100,000. They are Muslims, they live in the desert, they value education, they live a very traditional life and perhaps most importantly, they place great value on the wisdom of elders, especially male elders.

People like to say that you can never turn Blacks into Norwegians or Japanese. In  terms of sense of humor, I think Blacks not turning into Norwegians is an excellent trend. This syllogism is true as far as it goes, but here we have a tribe of 1 million Blacks in the darkest heart of Black Africa where none of the light of modernity shines who at least on one important variable, have somehow managed to turn themselves into Japs.

In intelligence, we know have a case in the UK similar to the case in Burkina Faso for behavior.

Nevertheless, the latest scores out of the UK have British Blacks matching Whites on high school achievement tests. It’s not an IQ test but it can be a proxy for one. Anyway it predicts job success and performance very well, so it doesn’t matter if it’s not an IQ test.

There is a solution to this conundrum. Even with genetic IQ differences, there still room for environment to close the gap. However, the environment for Blacks to close the gap as British Blacks did would have to be a “super-environment” which may have been achieved in ultra-PC UK. However, I would say that these super-environments are hard to achieve, and most places will not be able to create them, so Blacks will fall behind in most environments.

In contrast, Whites and Asians need only a typical environment to succeed. In a poor environment, a lot of poorer Whites will fall behind but many others will succeed. The Blacks will simply be completely plowed under far worse than in an ordinary environment. Curiously the cognitive power of some groups like Chinese and Jews may be so high that they can surmount genetically even quite poor environments. Their genes just plow right over the environment.

In the same way, Blacks do have a tendency towards crime that I regard as genetic. However, if we set IQ at 113 (about yours) Blacks and Whites have the same crime rates. So if we could raise Black IQ, we could lower Black crime because as Black IQ rises, cognitive capacity rises up and overpowers or overwhelms any genetic tendency towards crime. In other words, an intelligent Black man may have the same genetic tendency towards crime as an 85 IQ Black man, but the 113 IQ Black man’s IQ simply overrides, bulldozes and plows over the genetic tendency towards crime because IQ suppresses criminal behavior and as IQ rises, crime drops because of the crimino-suppressant effect of rising IQ.

As you can see, my views on this are quite nuanced. Yes, Blacks are less intelligent and more criminal than Whites and this is in part due to genes. However, given the right environment, these outcomes can be improved and if you make the environment spectacular enough, you can even wash out these genetic tendencies entirely and Blacks can match Whites or even East Asians. However, creating these Super-environments is going to be very hard to do.

I have also postulated a theory about how increasing IQ serves to suppress genetic tendencies towards crime and how IQ acts as a barrier against bad environments, with the highest IQ’s having nearly suppressive effects on bad environments, average IQ’s have a subset badly affected by bad environments while others weather it and the lowest IQ’s being no barrier at all against bad environments or even worsening their bad effects by introducing  the equation of Low IQ + bad environment which seems to result in an exponential effect worse than either alone.

Not that my nuanced views will matter to the Commissars of the Cultural Left though. I’m already an Enemy of the People, and this will just increase my sentence at the intellectual gulag archipelago where I was shipped to long ago.

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