I am obviously not dieting now with being 6 months pregnant but I try and have as many healthy meals as possible as its best for the baby. I won't lie though since being pregnant there may have been a few extra takeaways and we won't talk about about how many cadbury's cream eggs I have consumed this year already. (Holds head in shame)
The biggest thing for me is to be organised and plan ahead as much as you can. Every Sunday sit down and write 7 breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas down. I don't actually do this so much with breakfast as I often repeat what I have but definitely for lunch and dinner.
I make sure I have a variation of meals as getting bored of food will only encourage you to reach for the takeaway menu, you have to enjoy the food you're eating.
To help with recipe ideas I often pick up slimming world and weight watcher magazines. Even though I'm not following those plans they help with ideas and I just adapt them to what suits me. I then cut out the recipes I like and now have a big folder full of them.
I also find the books, Cook Yourself Thin to be great for simple and quick recipes.
When I was losing weight I counted calories and used the App, My Fitness Pal. It helped you keep track of what you were eating everyday and even if you aren't counting calories which I know isn't for everyone writing what you eat down really helps I think.
Recording every single thing you eat (even drinks especially those lattes) can be a bit of shock to begin with, I didn't realize how much I was eating and you soon get into a routine of doing it. Its also a great way to see where you might need to change a few things about your diet.
Which takes me onto finding alternatives and switching up foods. Its amazing how many calories you can cut down on by switching to a healthier option. Change oil to fry light which is a one calorie oil spray. I swapped sugar to xylitol which is a natural sweetener. Change to low fat mayo or instead of putting butter and mayo in a sandwich just use one or the other.
Little things like this can make big differences, so even you just start by doing this you will notice the benefits.
Portion size is another thing I changed, I used to pile my plate high with food but I now eat on a smaller plate and always try and fill half of it with vegetables. It takes a few days of getting used too but just by having a smaller plate you are tricked into not realising you are eating less as your plate still looks full.

Also drinking a glass of water can make you feel fuller for longer and stop you from snacking when you don't need too.
Lastly, don't forget to treat yourself. Once a week have a meal where you eat whatever you want. Weather its a meal at home or a meal out, just have whatever you fancy for that one meal. I used to save these for the weekend when I often went out with friends, just make sure its one cheat meal rather than a cheat day.
I often found the weeks I didn't have a cheat meal I didn't lose as much as when I did have one.
I am sure I have hundreds of more tips, this is something I could talk about for ages. I think the main thing is, don't put too much pressure on yourself, make little changes here and there. If you slip up, its ok just start again.
Let me know if you use any of these tips or what helps you with watching what you eat?