As a 90's Kid, I actually missed the golden age of cinema where great actors and directors ruled the big screen with nothing but talent. However, I was just in time for a whole new age of cinema and was lucky enough to witness the birth of amazing superhero movies with stunning visual effects that we see in IMAX and 3D, today.I have nothing but respect for the great directors like Francis Ford Coppola (Godfather), Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho), Stanley Kubrick (The Shining), and many others who birthed some of the greatest movies ever made, but when it comes to my personal top favorite I have a different selection in mind, as I'm a guy with different tastes.
I'm well aware of the fact that Directing is a way of art. Although, not many have the talent of directing a great movie capable of keeping the audience entertained throughout the run-time. Whether you agree with me or not, I personally think these amazing people are the best directors in the world, not only because they directed great movies but they also made use of all the elements available at the time to make the movies entertaining to a vast audience by mixing action, drama, visual FX and suspense into a single masterpiece.
Steven Spielberg
Catch Me If You Can, Indiana Jones, Minority Report, A.I.You may know this man for making E.T. or Jurassic Park, but I found some of his greatest work to be rather unpopular among the mainstream film crowd. My personal favorite is "Catch Me If You Can," which was an amazing movie made based on true events, as well as the futuristic Minority Report.
Quentin Tarantino
Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Inglourious BasterdsTarantino's movies were some of the strangest I've ever seen, but it's actually strange good. Pulp Fiction was the first Tarantino film I saw few years ago, and ever since then, I couldn't help but to rank him up on my top 10 list.
James Cameron
Terminator 2, Aliens (1986)Terminator 2 was one of the first movie's that I watch for countless times, over and over again. The directing and the use of Visual FX in that film still amazes me. Without doubt, it's one of the greatest sci-fi, action movies ever made. I'm not saying Avatar and Titanic is bad, those are just not my type of movies. And Avatar was just a bit too much of VFX.
Christopher Nolan
The Dark Knight, InceptionDark Knight is the 3rd best movie in my modern favorites list, especially because of The Joker and the way Nolan used him throughout the movie. And I adore him for deciding on using Bane to kick Batman's ass in Dark Knight Rises. I'm still trying to understand The Inception, though.
Peter Jackson
Lord of the Rings, King KongI think "Lord of the Rings" is more than enough to describe this man. Jackson basically invented the fantasy adventure film genre to the whole world.
Martin Scorsese
The Departed, Shutter IslandI had to watch Shutter Island three times before completely understand the story of the movie. It was simply brilliant. I still enjoy watching The Departed, which I think as one of the best crime thrillers ever made.
Ridley Scott
Alien, Blade Runner, PrometheusI learned about the quality of true science fiction movies through this man's work. Alien was the first, "true" sci-fi movie I discovered. Scott lived up to his name even in his most recent film, Prometheus.
Ben Affleck
The Town, ARGOEveryone hates this guy these days for taking the Batman role in the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie. I certainly have no issue on that and it didn't change the fact that he's one of the great directors of the current generation. Ben Affleck won Best Picture award at the Oscars for 'Argo'.
Sam Raimi
Evil Dead, A Simple PlanWhen it comes to horror movies "Evil Dead" is a name that we can't forget. And, Raimi proved to be a great director by showing his talents through various kinds of movies from Spider Man to OZ: the great and powerful.
Zack Snyder
Watchmen, 300While he failed Sucker Punch and Man of Steel, I respect Snyder for making Watchmen and 300. Those two movies had the best visually appealing direction that I rarely see in a film.
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