Family Magazine

My Night in the Rent the Runway Dress

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Happy Wednesday!  I left my house this morning for the first time since Saturday and let me tell you, I was THRILLED! I was so excited to get back to the office I may have even skipped to my car!  So, now that I am back in action, I owe you something.  I know I am WAY overdue with this post I only realized it when a friend emailed me some pics of the event last week and I remembered I never updated you all and then I posted it early twice on WP–clearly I have to be better at hitting save and not publish!!!

Well, better late than never right?  So, I mentioned a while back that I was attending a very special fundraiser for work.  It was an event called Uncork the Cure that took place at the beautiful Fairmont Copley Hotel in Boston.  The purpose of this event is to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis and that is exactly what happened.  This year’s event had over 400 people attend and raised over $381,000 for CF research and patient care. This has been the most successful night for Uncork the Cure to date and I felt so honored to be able to attend.

On the day of the evening, I wrapped up work and quickly ran down to my car to get my Rent the Runway dress and I went back into my building and got dressed in our gym locker room (hence the awesome selfie! HA!)


Because my company is a large sponsor of the event, we were invited to attend a special VIP wine tasting before the doors opened to those who purchased tickets. It was really a nice, intimate gathering where we got to mingle, drink great wine and listen to some really motivating people speak. The photographer came around and snapped a picture of me with my previous boss (on the far left,) the head of our Medical organization and his wife.

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When the general doors opened, we had our bidding packets and the evening truly began.


As you can see, the ballroom was beautiful and running though the middle of the room were some incredible bottles of wine you could bid on along with baskets, gift cards and exclusive getaways.


The room started to fill up pretty quickly and the wine and food was flowing.


I did a terrible job of capturing any of the food so you will just have to take my word for it!  There were chef stations all along the perimeter and they were cooking up some pretty delicious food, my favorite being crab cakes, YUM!  The wine was great and there were so many different varieties to choose from.  I even found a really great new (and cheap) Riesling that I have already purchased and had at home.  After walking around and bidding on a few items, I ran into some friendly faces…some of my co-workers!


They had some speakers that were really touching and a patient talk about her experience with CF.  After everyone was in tears, they started the live auction portion of the night and it got exciting.  Sadly I didn’t win anything I bid on, but there were some really awesome things auctioned off.  My favorite things however were the handmade ornaments from patients with CF.

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I stayed for a few hours, but the party lasted long into the night with a live band and dancing but it was a long week and I just wanted to get in my car, get home and relax for a bit with Robyn.  This was the last pic I took as I was walking out to the lobby.


Overall, it was a wonderful night for an even better cause.  I had a great time and absolutely loved my dress. I received so many compliments on it and felt like that was the perfect dress for the event and for me. I will definitely be using Rent the Runway in the future if I have a fancy event to attend!

Have a great day my friends!!


Question of the day

Have you been to any fancy events like this fundraiser before? If so, what was the best one you have been to before?Do you love them or can you leave them?

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