Fashion Magazine

My iPhone Inspired Mani

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx


When it comes to my wardrobe, I am just not much of a pattern person. Yet lately there are two patterns I have been crushing on big time- watermelons and pineapples. I think it has something do with the fact I am beyond ready for summer, and these fruity prints just get me in the mood. Can’t get enough.

I ordered a watermelon cell phone case a long time ago, and I totally forgot about it untill it showed up in my mailbox two days ago. I kind of love when that happens, and with the amount of online shopping I do… it happens a lot. It’s like everyday is my birthday.

Moral of this story? That very iPhone case made me feel the need to turn my digits into cute lil’ watermelons.


+ Step 1: prep with your base coat, and paint your nails red.

+ Step 2: paint the tips of your nails using a lighter green color. 

+ Step 3: on the green tip you just painted, use a thin nail brush and a darker green polish to paint small vertical lines evenly spaced apart. Next, using the thin nail brush, paint a white line under the green. 

+ Step 4: using a black polish and a dotting tool, add your seeds. 



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