When my friend was in trouble, I spent a whole lot of time thinking and wondering how I could help her and her immediate family. I cooked for us and for her, but how could I tell her that that I wanted to help without offending her? So, I spent time trying to solve my problem and this is what I came up with. I prepared some questions to use when I next saw her and here are some I came up with.
Has your cleaner returned from her vacation yet? If not, allow me to send mine over just this once.
I have so much food left over from lunch today. I would like you to have it.
I have no idea how you are feeling but I want you to know that I will always be there for you when you feel like talking.
I am not busy today so if you need help folding your laundry, do let me know.
Tell me one day what it’s like to be ‘you’ for 24 hours. I want to know.
I bought flowers to cheer you up. Is it okay to bring them over and put them in a vase?