Hair & Beauty Magazine

My Dream 24K Home with Porcelanosa

By Lipglossaffairs @justsangy
With only few months left to get our flat to be ready for us to move in, its just a perfect opportunity and time to plan and design the rooms now. For me, a perfect dream home begins with a stylish and practical Kitchen. Being a total foodie and with my addiction to cooking and trying out new recipes often; I practically live in Kitchen for most of my day. My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

That calls for a comfy yet stylish corner in the House as I often tend to relax in between cooking to sip my green tea, so a lovely looking sit out is a must for me and if it functions as the Dining place later; then nothing's better!! After all eating the yummy food in a comfortable and charming place adds to the happiness of being at home..

My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

Call me lavish, I love a bit of stylish Accessories for the House anyday; after all hygenie freak like me spends a good amount of time washing hands through the out the day so a stylish bit of the corner in the Kitchen would be just wonderful.

My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

Next in line, I love a luxurious looking bathroom. Well, it’s the first place we enter every morning which in turn sets the mood for rest of the day. All the more reason it begins with style and luxe things around to feel pampered!
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa
Next up would a rather large and spacious Wardrobe. For a shopaholic like me this is the most important space in the whole house and i need it to be simple, chic and fuss free for a million things to hold in and yet look as stylish as ever!!
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

I love a bit of white and gray with a dose of color here are there for the whole house. Its just adds a vibe of fashion and style, keeping the things simple for a minimalistic look and yet look super chic and stylish at same time. While all these are very important, tiling is equally important for the house to feel like home. A dose of style, pattern and color makes a whole lot of difference for the whole look and feel of the home.

My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

With that, My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa is all ready!!

But if personalizing and styling self is not your thing you can as well opt for a professional help by reaching out to Porcelanosa just like I did. Looking at the products catalog its super easy to style your home or even re-style for that matter; getting a professional hand and mind to do for you might be the best idea at times.

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Pics Credit : Porcelanosa*

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My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

Much Love
My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa

P.s - This post is entry for the My dream 24K home with Porcelanosa at Indiblogger

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