Fashion Magazine

Mutual Weirdness

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas


Celebrating 3 years of mutual weirdness marital bliss today.  Tomorrow will also equal 9.5 years together.

To my partner in crime:

Thanks for shaking my hand awkwardly at that frat party.  Thanks for accepting my terrible Nextel phone clip.  Thanks for the letters from Nevada.  Thanks for listening and taking me to The Melting Pot for our first date.  Thanks for awkwardly introducing me as your girlfriend to someone before we had had “the talk.”  Thanks for being persistent.  Thanks for understanding me and my quirks.  Thanks for forgiving me after we fight.  Thanks for supporting me in chasing my dreams.  Thanks for moving to New York with me.  Thanks for building a life with me.  Thanks for sharing a tiny apartment without killing me for 4.5 years.  Thanks for being the best travel partner.  Thanks for complementing me in a way that opposites attract.  Thanks for laughing at my terrible jokes.  Thanks for taking my photos for this blog, even though we get strange looks on the streets and sometimes it’s uncomfortable.  Thanks for listening to me.  Thanks for taking long walks.  Thanks for being open minded.  Thanks for working hard for us.  Thanks for being honest and trustworthy.  Thanks for being an amazing father.

I love you to the moon and back, and I cannot wait to see what the following years of mutual weirdness will bring.



P.S. Here is a little blast from the past.

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