Moth Boys is a terrible album title but it is far from being a terrible album as they continue to deliver those big chorus' but this time round they have taken it up a level.
That three year wait has spoilt the surprise of what to expect from the album as six out of eleven of the songs have been floating around, either from touring or as releases. Luckily they have all been high quality and diverse, Bad Boyfriend felt like an instant hit then the likes of All The Sad Young Men and Stay High had subtlety and grew into anthems whilst they went completely left-field with Kyoto Garden.
Spector were the last band I got obsessed with and when I say obsessed, I mean it. I had Never Fade Away on repeat for about three months after first hearing it, I saw them about ten times before their first album was released so I worried if they could still excite me with Moth Boys. I wasn't disappointed.
It must of been a tricky approach for the band who had mastered the art of creating perfect indie pop but they didn't get the recognition they deserved, Moth Boys shows maturity and progression without losing identity. It's that 'difficult second album' syndrome, some struggle, others thrive, maybe Spector did struggle, maybe that is why the wait has been so long but the end result is worth it.
Having a successful and lengthy career in music is all about quality, not quantity and if you have the ability to write songs like Chevy Thunder and Lay Low then it shouldn't be a surprise to be able to pen Decade Of Decay and West End, their most accomplished piece of work to date. Fred Macpherson has been writing decent songs since his teens as the frontman of Les Incompetents, as a lyricist he's underrated, he deserves to be up there with Alex Turner as he can capture the every day life of this generation and put it into a songs.
I don't think we need to worry about the future of Spector, there's plenty more tales to tell.
For the memories.