Hair & Beauty Magazine

Mumsnet Beauty Round Up - Get Involved.

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Mumsnet Beauty Round Up - Get involved.
I am sure a lot of you have heard of the website Mumsnet but if you haven't its a website for parents where they can share anything and everything. It is the UK’s biggest social network for parents, generating over 50 million page views per month and over eight million visits per month.
They have a great bloggers network which include every type of blog you can imagine. parenting, politics, beauty and everything in-between. It is a great way to get your blog out their and find some fantastic new blogs to read. I first joined back in November when Mumsnet did their first Beauty Round Up. I am not a parent but you don't have to be to enjoy this site.
The lovely people at Mumsnet have asked me to guest edit their next Beauty Round Up and of course I jumped at the chance. The theme for this round up is Spring (We can pretend it has arrived) and what I want to know is - what does spring and beauty mean to you? Do you start the on-going cycle of fake tanning? Overhaul your make-up collection? What about changing up your skincare or trying out a fresh fragrance? Do you have any go-to products for the warmer months?
Head over to Mumsnet and add your spring posts too the linky and you might be one of the blogs featured in the Beauty Round Up. 
Also, if you do add a post do let me know on twitter and I will be sure to retweet you. 
If you are not yet a member of the Mumsnet Blogger Network do head over there and join up, its great fun.  
I look forward to reading you Spring blog posts.  

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