Diaries Magazine

MUA "Undressed" Eyeshadow Palette - Review

By Sarahhhp @SarahhhP

If I'm honest, the addition of eyeshadow to my everyday make up routine is a relatively new thing. I used to wear it all the time when I was younger, though for some reason when I hit my 20's I cut back on a lot of the procucts I used. 
Recently though (that is since I've started blogging myself), it's made a bit of a comeback in my collection, and after hearing so many good things about the MUA products for so long, I decided it was high time I gave some of them a try.
I've seen the "Undressed" palette reviewed and raved about many times across the blogging community, so I thought I'd just add my two cents simply because of how genuinely impressed I was after using it.
Though I'm a big fan of bold shades when it comes to things like lipsticks and blushers, when it comes to the eyes I prefer to keep it more toned down and so the neutral shades this product contains were pretty much perfect as far as I was concerned. Added to this, something I really enjoyed was the choice there was with each shade of a matte or a shimmer version. The swatches I've done in the picture above are of the shades  I enjoyed using most in the collection (from left - 6, 7, 9, 11, 12), which much to my own surprise, consisted almost entirely of the more "glitzy" ones.
Away from the shades themselves, I found the wear of the shadows to be very long lasting, with the matte shades (when used over a decent primer) having no problem staying on all day - a good eight hours at least I'd say. The shimmer shades don't last quite as well, though I suppose this is only to be expected and if you're like me you'll only really be wearing them in the evening so the length of time you'll need them to stay put for isn't quite as long anyway.
They were easy to blend, aided by the little tutorial printed on the back of the packaging, giving you an idea on how to start off using the palette - which I thought was a really cute idea. All in all, a wonderful product which I've no doubt I will continue to use and enjoy for a long time to come. I completely understand the hype surrounding this product, and for £4 fail to see how anyone could possibly disagree!
Really looking forward to trying out more of the MUA products now, so if you've any suggestions please don't hesitate to let me know! Has anyone else tried this palette? If so, what are your thoughts?

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