Culture Magazine

Mozart’s ‘Marriage of Figaro’ Premiered Today – May 1!

By Galegirl

Mozart’s ‘Marriage of Figaro’ premiered today – May 1!Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro, an opera bouffe in four acts (my favorite opera overture) and a very fitting May premiere, was first produced at the National Theatre in Vienna on May 1, 1786, with Mozart conducting.

To celebrate the occasion, I’ll just listen to the opera today and pretend I’m there, watching and listening, on the very day it premiered.

According to, the world’s best way to find live classical music, there are a dozen performances of Le Nozze di Figaro worldwide this month from Bavarian State Opera and Opera Australia.

Did I mention Le Nozze di Figaro is my favorite opera overture?

“Mozart is sweet sunshine.”

~ Antonin Dvorak

Oh, Mozart, you’re so fine, you blow my mind. I get chills just listening to this piece:

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