Community Magazine

Moving on

By Rubytuesday
Thank you for all of your feedback on my last postAnd your kind words I'm still thinking about my blogBut one thing is for sureI will not be going anywhere And I will continue to blogI guess it makes sense really They I am struggling to find my blog voice again The last six months have been a whirlwind I almost feel like I have been carried this far My feet barely touching the ground There has been a lot of change recently And a lot of growth This is all goodAnd it feels amazing to have come this far I'm sure you have noticed that I am not writing much about my ED or addiction recently There just hasn't been anything to report I'm taking my meds correctly I'm eating my meals and snacks And rarely purging I guess I am moving onAnd letting go of some of the crutches that have held me up this far So I've been thinking I probably won't post every dayI remember when I first started blogging I used to blog Monday, Wednesday and FridaySo I'm thinking I will go back to that pattern My blog will about life after ED and addictionRather than life with it Because in guessing there will be a whole adjustment period Becoming accustomed to real life With no vices to fall back on It will just be me Ruby Stripped backRaw With all the ups and downs of life in recovery It makes perfect sense really I was wondering what I would write about And of course recovery is what I will write about Because that's what I am living It's what I know 
So I'm sticking around I'm still going to continue to raise awareness about eating disorders Still strive for recovery For others and myself Still going fight for a better life Are you with me??

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