Fitness Magazine

#Motivation Monday: #BostonStrong

By Disneybrideandgroom
Sunday April 21, 2013, the running community of Tallahassee gathered to run 5.2 miles.  The 5.2 miles is not arbitary - rather it was a show of solidarity for the many runners stopped at Mile 21 of the Boston Marathon course that fateful last Monday.  These runners were robbed of their chance to finish their race.  Whether you run or walk 5Ks, ultras, or anything in between - crossing the finish line is a big deal.  You put in the miles training for your race, you mentally prepare, you have loved ones rooting for you - it's important to complete that distance.
What started as a little facebook event announced last week, grew exponentially.  Shannon of BadAss Fitness initiated this run expecting 40 - 50 runners.  She got 1000 runners plus volunteers.  Local businesses donated many wonderful prizes to raffle.  When all was said and done, over $12,000 was raised for the Boston Red Cross.
This event had a more serious tone than other races you might attend.  There were prayers, hugs, and sharing of stories.  But it wasn't sad.  It was uplifting.  The common theme was being strong for Boston, sending them our thoughts, our donations, and our prayers.
Terrorists take note: Runners are not, and will never be victims.
#Motivation Monday: #BostonStrong

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