What keeps you motivated? I remember grappling with this question over a period of time- maybe ten years.
I was so discouraged with myself. I couldn't remain motivated. But I was also depressed, in a long marriage that had run its course, and I need a new take on life.
With motivation, it seemed as though I'd start, feel good about myself & my life, , then I'd lose motivation . Couldn't seem to figure out why, though .
I didn't connect my love life, my relationship, and my sadness to my motivation. I needed an encouraging partner, I needed to value myself and my friendships and have friends that helped motivate me and kept me accountable, and I needed self-care. All these things were missing in my life. Once I had had a friend who was willing to help keep me accountable and kind of tutored me in this area, it seemed to help. I would keep her accountable for a few things, and she's do the same for me.

For a while, we realized we weren't using our time right. So we'd study a few things about developing margin I or lives and that helped immensely.
We even prayed together about what our goals were and what we wanted to change.
I found out later on, that motivation comes from within. It's discipline of the heart and soul. It's being specific about what you desire, then finding courage within to pursue it. I didn't know this st 38 years old Wish i did. I might have been more focused, much sooner.
Sometimes we live thinking there's so much more out there than what we're living. The truth is, we haven't really lived until we've possessed what our soul really desires.
For instance, my soul wanted the best visit to a beach, last weekend. And I sought it out until I got it . I received best experience... because I was open to receiving it. And ... I went with my best friend ...( he enjoyed it to after I asked a few times.)

So the first question is:
"What does your soul desire?" How bad do you really want it? The third question is:How do you make room in your life to do it? ( I highly recommend getting a partner.)☺️
And sometimes you have to just try several ways of meeting the needs of your soul, before you find out. Pull out some paper and brainstorm some tactics that might work. Do you need to go to that special place 'right after work' so it really happens? Do you need to get a babysitter on Saturday morning while to kid is still in bed - for a few hours to make it happen ?
Or do you simply need to just be spontaneous ? ( You know I forgot that was my one word this year? Spontaneity? Gosh, how'd that happen?)
Just remember, how 'you' possess your soul , how someone else possesses theirs, may be totally different.
But do possess your soul
It's so worth it..