As a new Mum I went along to my local Mothers Group anxious to make a good impression, praying for my baby to sleep and not grizzle and to fit in.... I had spent a good hour or so the day before picking a outfit, washing my hair and thinking of things to talk about.
I don't find it particularly easy to make new friends and as a new Mum I was worried about making a good impression and not ruffling any feathers. I went along, with bub in tow ready to talk about sleepless nights, coffee, dirty dishes piling up and post baby life... However I wasn't prepared for the competitiveness on how my baby is "doing this" and "my baby is doing that", "I'm already going for 5k runs", "oh you can't manage a daily shower??" Hmmmnnnn... totally hit me for 6. I left with my head spinning!
I got home and felt deflated. My first Mother's group had left me with the distinct feeling I wasn't as good at this mothering gig as I thought I was. I chatted to a few of my friends with babies about my Mothers group experience and many had had similar experiences. As a new Mum I know we are desperately trying to appear competent and together, to find our own groove and get to know this little person we are now in charge of 24/7. There are enough pressures on new mums and making friends shouldn't be hard or stressful.
It took a few months but I eventually found a little group of Mummy friends, and although I don't attend a traditional mothers group I have found so much comfort in my Mummy friends and online relationships I have built. Another blogger Flat Bum Mum and I created The Laundry Lounge on facebook as a safe place to share our questions, funny stories and support one another. Then I was introduced to Hello Mamas I could have sung with joy! I have spent hours reading stories and searching on the site and only wish I had found it sooner. The App allows you to search mums near you and find like-minded mums friends that have common interests and personalities. It totally takes the anxiety out of meeting mums and enables you to build your local community. I have now joined the Hello Mamas team as an Influencer! Watch out for me being featured on their blog with upcoming stories and join our community.
![Mothers Group and Me - Featured on Hello Mamas Mothers Group and Me - Featured on Hello Mamas](