Mother Nature is embedded in your gender in a way it is not embedded in your race.
And no matter how hard you try to run away from Mother Nature, it seems she always catches up to you in the end. At some point you might as well quit running and just accept Natural Law and your role in it.
If you are a man, Natural Law says you act like a man, so just accept and do it. Quit fighting it. I have met a lot of straight men who were not very masculine, but most had this masculine personality deep inside of me, and when they got around me, I could see a lot of it come out because despite those who say it’s not true, I am a pretty masculine guy in a way. At least these fairly unmasculine friends of mine thought of me as “macho.”
When they got around me, apparently they imitated me and got into this masculine role. I could see the light in them go off as they got in touch with their deeply recessed masculinity. I think most straight men want to feel this way, and they feel a lot better when they start acting more masculine.
I have known some very wimpy men who were very miserable as wimpy unmasculine man. I later saw them become more masculine, and they sure seemed a lot happier. Masculinity in men and femininity in women seem to both hit that “sweet spot” in a way that few other things do. There is a real sense of contentment and being in one’s true place when one accesses their true gender roles.
Notice how gay (feminine) men and lesbian (masculine) women are not very happy? I thought about this for a long time, and I believe it is because they are violating Natural Law. Things that violate Nature are allowed to exist but often do not function very well because they are outside of their natural role.
Kids are raised best with a mother and father, and it’s best if they stay together. Children of divorce, single mothers, and now gay and lesbian couples are much less healthy than those raised in traditional families. The only reason I can think for this is because they are violating Nature in some way. If you violate Nature, you usually survive, but Nature enforces its law by making you less happy and/or less functional.