Life Coach Magazine

Morning Routines, Milk-Bone Good Morning Treats, and Brodie!

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

For those of you who do not know, my beloved Parson Russell passed last October.  I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to move forward with another dog, but somehow the feeling started sinking into my heart earlier this spring that it was time.  I put a deposit down on a puppy to be born in late summer, and then by the time it was adoption time, the transaction fell through.  (That’s a story for another blog post depending on the still-pending outcome of that disaster.)

I knew I was visiting my parents in San Diego, California so I once again went to the website for the Parson Russell Terrier Association of America and was able to find a breeder in that area.  I contacted her and while she didn’t have babies ready to leave the nest while I was there, she did have a beautiful seven-month old boy who was PERFECT for me.


I traveled out to her place, met Brodie, whose formal name is actually “Blossom Valley Secret Agent Brodie”.  I knew immediately that he was “the one” and later that week we traveled home to Florida together.  The poor little guy barely knew me and had to fly four hours to Atlanta under the seat ahead of me, and then another plane from Atlanta to Fort Myers.  In case that wasn’t enough, he was then subjected to an hour drive home.

On the good side though, now that we are home and settled in, I am even more certain he was the right dog for us.  He’s actually doing well with obedience training, and he’s even doing a little jogging with me.  We are up to a half mile but I am going super slow with lots of breaks since his bones aren’t fully grown yet. The ultimate goal for me is that Brodie will become my running buddy in the future.

Because Brodie and I are both creatures of habit, I wanted to make sure we got off on the right “paw” with the right habits, so single morning we get active. Each morning we start out by practicing our obedience lessons inside the house, and then we venture outside to practice there.  We spend no less than 20 minutes, but no more than 45 minutes walking, running (for me) and fast walking (for him), on Monday through Friday to ensure that the habit is built into our day to day lives.
img_2597 Another thing we do every day is that we take our vitamins together. I want to make sure little Brodie is receiving all of the essential nutrients he needs to grow into my perfect running dog so I’m including vitamins in his diet too.  I have learned that not all dog foods contain all of these beneficial nutrients and I want him to be healthy and strong. Milk-Bone Good Morning Daily Vitamin Treats were created specifically to promote a dog’s well-being and longevity. So when I’m taking my daily vitamins, I give my pup his nutrient-packed Milk-Bone Good Morning Daily Vitamin Treats too.


I’ll be honest with everyone – Brodie absolutely LOVES these Milk-Bone Good Morning Daily Vitamin Treats.  After just a couple weeks, he already knows that when he hears the pantry door open he is getting his morning vitamin and he runs over to the door and sits just waiting for me to get it for him. If you want to know more about them, you can learn more about Milk-Bone’s Good Morning Daily Vitamins on their site: HERE.


I received Milk-Bone products referenced herein without cost in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I received no other compensation, and both my pup, Brodie and I are sure we got the better end of the deal! Thanks Milk-Bone!

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