Politics Magazine

More Violence at Gavin Guinness Speech Last Night

Posted on the 05 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

Gavin McGuiness, a Canadian who has associated himself with the Alt Right, or really the Alt Lite, has a site called The Rebel. The site is more or less the Breitbart of Canada. They are not well liked with the leftwing protestor crowd or the antifa types. He had a speech last night at a campus in New York and it was disrupted by some sort of a rowdy demonstration. Whether it reached riot level, I am not sure. Cum Trumpsters  were outside yelling at anti-Trump people. Two Black women approached two Cum Trumpster men and punched both men in the face! Wow!

This is almost getting comical. If you are Trump supporter, maybe you better just stay home.  If you so much as leave your house, you probably stand a pretty good chance of getting punched in the face. It’s like punching Trumpsters in the face is some sort of a new national pastime or better yet, sport. We could even make it into a competitive sport and have teams of punchers and the winner would be the team that punched the most Trumpsters the hardest.

Seriously man. Whenever I imagine myself as a Trump supporter now, I see this fist flying towards my face. I think I already have PTSD from all this horrible, awful, terrible, disgusting, vile, revolting, sickening, repulsive, infuriating, obnoxious, cringey, gross political violence that I am watching for hours and hours every day. Someone help me, I’m addicted.

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