as you may noticed this space is a bit DIY orientated... so it would be a shame not to post another flower crown DIY:)....
Actually I made this crown and the tutorial last year in July ( so I was quite early with the trend, you see...:), the flower crown was a part of Andi`s and mine 10 year marriage anniversary ( yes ten really good years! ) photoshoot with talented photographer friend Simone Hertel.
I think you may have seen some snippets of the photoshoot already...( see sidebar...)because everyone now is still into these fluffy head things I thought I`d share how I made mine... this variant is super easy, fun and fast to create, it won`t take you longer than 10 minutes... so why not give it a try?...

all you need are some fabric fake flowers, a plastic headband (you can also use stretch fabric, but in this case you need to glue it real tight), ad of course hot glue ( I kind of make everything with hot glue). Tear the flowers into parts and rearrange them, then glue the parts layer by layer on the headband. That´s basically all.