That's what sunday surprises are made if.
A box filled with awesomeness that came from the FBAI for me.
Sometimes you must judge a book by its cover. And this FBAIReviewBox was gorgeous.
So the contents must be super ,right?

Image Courtesy FBAI
Well , they were. Wasabi peanuts. And guess what,these nuts are not fried...oil just coated to get the apice mix to stick. A single nut of pungent wasabi was sufficient for a huge flavor dose. And peanuts are always the first to finish.Perfect bar snack this is. An apt size, that will finish in a couple of rounds of drinks ,so you're not left with soggy stale nuts.
Monsoon Munching is happening at full blast here. With the rain pelting down, its so comforting to sit in the balcony , with a cup of coffee and some.of these yummy chocolate chip cookies. Mind you, they taste really awesome when you share them with a friend or two.
Since these are individually packed, there is no need to bother about soggy cookies. And you can just pop them.into your bag for an anytime snack.
Oh ,these little bullets of white chocolate were awesome. Coating a roasted coffee bean, they are sweet, and then suddenly you get that kick of coffee. The aromas of roasted coffee are super apparent the minute the cute jar is opened. I believe they also have salted almonds coated with dark chocolate. Now that is something I won't even feel guilty polishing off.Anti oxidants and omega3 and stuff.
These cheese flavored nachos are another perfect bite with drinks . So I made a herbed cheese ball with coriander, mint and walnuts and shaped into a ball. So sunce the cheese ...or homemade paneer is soft,you can dig into it with a nacho and scoop up the paneer into your mouth.!!All necessary good groups in one bite.
And I've been experimenting with bread. Whole wheat , all purpose flour gluten added , gluten free and what not... we're always ready to smear this case a Tropical Fruit Conserve on toast. Well I spread the conserve on dough, rollednit up, made flowers, sprinkled poppy seed and baked it.
So this is my bread jam with a twist. Low calorie healthy munchies just right for monsoons. So head over to the website for Godrej Nature's Basket and pick your own selection of MonsoonMunching.