It's Monday again and time to get back to the daily grind. That sounds so negative huh? Let's think about it as another opportunity for a great week!
This weekend E was away for a bachelor party, so I got to spend some quality time with my girls. We went for sushi on Friday (I stuck to California rolls since they are cooked). Saturday morning, I worked at the studio for a little bit, and then met up with them for lunch before enjoying the beautiful weather on a long walk. That night, it was time for a new dinner spot, New Dahlia. It was amazing!! We set outside so it was too dark for pictures, but I would highly recommend it. Afterwards, we watched a hilarious chick flick. Sunday, I taught a barre class in the morning, followed by brunch with some awesome ladies and then grocery shopping.
When E got home we went on another long walk (it was 70 degrees and sunny) and then he grilled up dinner. He made his famous burgers, and I whipped up some roasted carrots. Oh my gosh, I forgot how amazing these are. All you have to do is peel of the skin and toss them with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper. Throw them on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes at 425 rotating about every 10 or so minutes and viola! Even E loved them!
Monday morning, I woke up a little bit later than planned so I had to make my workout time count! What better way to do that than with a Tabata workout? A Tabata consists of 20 seconds of all out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this series 8x's for a total of 4 minutes. I split my Tabatas up between two exercises. So I would do the first exercise for 4 rounds and the second exercise for 4 rounds for a total of 8 rounds. When you include your warm-up and cool down, the whole workout lasts around 30 minutes.
For my fellow moms-to-be or those new to working out, you can swap the kettlebell swings for alternating reverse lunges and the mountain climbers for a plank. I left in the kettlebell swings and mountain climbers and am 17 weeks pregnant, but everyone is different so listen to your body! After my workout, it was time to refuel with blueberry chia pudding and egg whites.
Blueberry Chia Pudding:
1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp ground flax seed
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1/3 cup blueberries
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 packet of stevia
Mix all ingredients together and allow to sit for at least 30 minutes or overnight in the fridge. Enjoy!
After breakfast, I headed to the studio to teach a 9:45 am Pilates class and attend a meeting. We had a great group of ladies in class this morning so it was extra fun! At around 12:30 PM it was time to head home for a big 'ol salad for lunch. Today's salad consisted of romaine lettuce, carrots, hummus, avocado, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, and nutritional yeast.
I also enjoyed a So Delicious strawberry coconut milk yogurt with my salad. I think I can officially say this is one of my first pregnancy cravings. I absolutely adore this stuff and have to keep myself from eating 3 a day! It is thick, creamy, full of fiber, and low on sugar compared to other yogurts.
Now it's time for this lady to do a little bit of work for the studio, maybe sneak in a quick nap, and then head back up to teach another barre class at 4:45 PM.
How was your weekend?
In health,