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Monday Morning BLISS!

By Therelishedroost
Monday Morning BLISS!
I just received an email from one of my favorite vendors- Bliss Studio with their new arrivals. There where so many fabulous new pieces that I could not include them all, so I picked some of my favorite pieces that I felt are truly unique and work well in most interior settings.  I love Bliss and how they make some pieces that are affordable look like they could be in Veranda Magazine!  Hope you like these picks to peruse over on a Blissful Monday Morning! Check them out for yourself, these picks are a fraction of what you will find at Bliss Studio and one gets better than the next!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!
Monday Morning BLISS!

Monday Morning BLISS!

 A bit partial to this guy since I have it in my dining room!

Monday Morning BLISS!

Monday Morning BLISS!

Monday Morning BLISS!

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