Hello Beauty Lovers and Bloggers! :) Welcome back to Monday Beauties blog hop! Where I hope to create a place where bloggers can come together and share their links in a friendly and supportive manner! If you are saying "What the hell is a blog hop?" just click here and it will explain EVERYTHING:)
Now let's get to business: Here are the very simple rules:
1. Subscribe to my blog via GFC and leave a comment below to let me know you are following (with your link) so I can follow back :)
Click here to follow :)
2. Add your blog URL to the Linky Below! (make sure to include http://www.)
3. Check out as many blogs as you want and if you decide to follow leave a comment letting them know that you have subscribed and found them on Monday Beauties Blog hop! :)
4. Check out the featured blogs! :)
OPTIONAL If you want to be really nice to me! :)
♥ Grab the blog hop button and place it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post. (remember you will need to re-enter your blog every week, so you can make this a weekly post). You can grab the blog button from the sidebar of my blog.
♥ Follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook page :)
Please share with your subscribers! If you share on twitter use the hashtag #mondaybeauties so we can retweet :)
Feel free to write a blog post about this blog hop! But PLEASE DO NOT copy and paste the entire thing into a post!
If you would like you can leave the link to your MOST RECENT blog post in the comments section of the blog hop from now on. (include the title) This is completely OPTIONAL of course! :)
**I will choose 2 blogs each week via Random.org(random number generator) and mention them in the next weekly hop as "Featured blogs"
**The blog hop will go up every Sunday around 2:30pm Eastern Time and will come down on Tuesday around 5pm. This way everyone will have time to participate and check out other blogs :)
Thanks so much for participating!:) Lets Begin:
Featured Blogs:
Go Visit Gloss & Glitz!!

Go Visit MomsMakeupStash!!