Environment Magazine

Missoula Woman Arrested as Part of Megaloads Protest

Posted on the 22 January 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from KPAX

A 71-year-old woman was arrested early Wednesday morning for disorderly conduct at a protest against the megaloads passage.

The incident happened around 12:30 a.m. when a group of about 30 people took to the streets and halted the 350 foot long piece of tar sands equipment near the intersection of South Reserve Street and Spurgin Road.

The delay lasted about five minutes before police ordered the demonstrators off the street.

A spokesperson for Indian People’s Action says the effort was aimed at raising awareness of about the impacts of tar sands oil – on public and Indian Land.

“It’s not a future issue, it’s causing the land to be inhospitable, both on the reservations and for the surroundings area… There’s no way we’re going to change the surrounding area once it’s destroyed,” said Indian People’s Action Media Liaison Naomi Odermann.

Missoula Police tell us the woman was cited and released.

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