Music Magazine

Mischief Festival 2013

Posted on the 18 January 2013 by Realalereview @real_ale_review


Where: Beautiful Secret Location – WEST SUSSEX (location will be announced on tickets)

Mischief is a small grass roots festival, built by a diverse collective of individuals from across the UK. This interesting and eclectic mix of individuals shows throughout, with a noticeably assorted blend of music genres, activities and audience members.

Steering away from the norm, living life on the edge and risk taking is very much part of Mischief’s ethos. Who says you should not have hardcore pumping out on the main stage in the middle of the day? Mischief certainly doesn’t! As like, why cannot pink be hardcore? Well it can and is, especially at Mischief!

Back for its third year, Mischief Festival is in full swinging party planning mode tobring you yet another weekend that you will remember for the rest of your life!

We are excited to announce we will be releasing the first tier of MischiefFam tickets on the 1st of December at a massively reduced price of only £49!!!
Dedicated MischiefFam ticket – £49 (+bf)
Committed MischiefFam tickets – £58 (+bf)
Up for it MischiefFam tickets – £66 (+bf)
Avin it MischiefFam tickets – £74 (+bf)
Mischief Teen tickets – £45 (+bf)
Mischief Kiddies under 12 – FREE

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