Destinations Magazine

Mini Nibs - Where Do You Nibble Yours ?

By Lancashirefood
mini nibs - where do you nibble yours ?
I know this sounds sacregiously but this week we have mostly been nibbling something thats made in Yorkshire ! Mini nibs are handy  resealable snack pots of crunchy munchy dinky cheese straws, which come in three flavours
  •  Exceptional cheddar cheese 
  • Exceptional cheedar and spicy chilli
  • Exceptional cheddar and cheeky onion
Apparently all the cheddar cheese used in nib nibs hails from Garstang in Lancashire
mini nibs - where do you nibble yours ?

The mini nibs range also includes some very moreish roasted salt and pepper jumbo peanuts (my personal favourites from the range) 

mini nibs - where do you nibble yours ?
The total range is great to serve as a snack with drinks with friends and the pots are also great for popping in your rucksack whilst out on a walk. The nibnibs range is avaliable  through many quality outlets including Booths Supermarkets, nibnibs have a handy stockist finder on their website. They are also on Facebook and twitter too. 
                               mini nibs - where do you nibble yours ?
Now here's the great news we have some nibnibs to giveaway in an easy Rafflecopter giveaway, so if you'd love to try some nibnibs why not join in the fun do you own taste test.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The giveaway will run from 12pm on 15th October to 12th November.
The prize is a selection of nibnibs which will be sent direct to the winner.

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