Books Magazine

Middle of the Week Updates

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

We’ve made it to the half-way point of the read a thon and these pictures will make you think I’ve been super productive this week.  Of course this progress started last week after wednesday and I’ve made none this week, so expect a boring middle of the week post next Wednesday.

I’m pretty proud of the crochet block progress I’ve made this week but I’m only going to share half of them so I have something to show you next week.

pattern 3

try 3

Here’s pattern three, a combination of single and double crochet.

Again, my hook is a little too wide a gauge to look exactly like the pattern but it looks similar enough.  And I did finally manage to get some different gauge hooks so some of the other patterns are actually what they’re supposed to be.

pattern 5
4 try
This pattern was another combination of double and single crochet to make the pattern but it was a little different (I can’t remember quite how) than the other one.  I think the pattern lines were supposed to be more pronounced.

pattern 4

try 5

This pattern was two rows of double crochet divided by a row of single crochet.

Fairly simple blocks for this week, but I got plenty of practice with my stitches.  Next week I’ll show you the more complicated boxes I tried.  Sadly my crochet book was due back at the library so I wasn’t able to work my way through the whole book, but I got a lot of great practice and am planning to start on some actual patterns soon now that I’ve had my practice with the stitches.

And of course, can’t forget about the cross stitch progress!  Only 4 more columns of sky to go!  Not as much progress as I’d hoped (as usual) but at least it’s coming…


Hope you all have a fantastic week!  And don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Xstitchurheart for all the read-a-thon progress!


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